Wednesday 31 October 2012

Ash Dieback Symptoms and Ident - Chalara fraxinea

Ash Dieback - Chalara fraxinea - Symptoms and identification video.   This has already affected 90% of Ash trees in Denmark, hopefully we can spread the word and avoid the same fate in Britain.  Would keep me in work for years, but would also be terrible, if we were faced with another outbreak of a similar severity to Dutch Elm Diseases in the 70s and 80s..

Thursday 8 March 2012

Albino Redwood

Redwoods can grow from the roots of other redwoods, by layering. This means that they don't need to photosynthesise to obtain energy for growth, as you can see in this pic where there is a total absence of chlorophyll, leaving the leaf lacking in green pigmentation.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Climbing digital art

I used some image filters from to create this image.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Dizzying heights

And again. Up the same tree. Thrashing around like a stuck pig.
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Oak reduction away from house

Here's expert local climber James Bradford, 2000ft up a giant Oak tree in Claygate.
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